Your Financial Road Map

The following is the transcript of a members-only video, “Your Financial Road Map”. Therefore, it may be awkward to read. To gain access to the full text and video, please join the site.

So today, you and I are going to embark on it an RV trip and I got it planned out. Let me just lay it out a little bit here for you (and we’ll get to your financial road map shortly).

So, we’re going to hop in our RV in Portland, Maine to drive across the U.S. and we’re going to go to Portland, Oregon. That’s going to be our end destination but we’ll be making some stops along the way. Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Maybe you’ve got a few places that you want to go to and you can just kind of let me know right now where you want to go as well.

We’re just going to do it right now. So what if I told you though that we’re going to hop in this RV but I have no access to a GPS, I don’t have a road map, and I’m just not going to look at any of the road signs as we start kind of traveling in our RV across the U.S. So, are you still hopping in the RV with me?

[Image of RV with the appearance of you backing up] Where are you going? You’re not going on that RV trip? Why not? I don’t understand. Do you think I’m going to get lost? I’m just going to start driving but we’ll eventually get there.

So obviously, I imagine you would have backed away from the RV in that example and because you said it sounds crazy, there’s no way that you would go on a trip like that. You would not take a trip like that yourself with your own family. That sounds insane. But what if I told you that you’re probably doing that same kind of thing with your finances? What do I mean by that? We’ll get into it right after this. [Intro video]

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